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Brihadeeswarar Temple completes 1000 golden years!

Have visits to temples just been routine praying to deities, sanctum sanctorum, rules and undeterred faith or does the common man dwell into its history, architectural lineage and importance of them? May be both or may not be either!

There was one such occasion which gave Indians a combined reason to celebrate culture and heritage together.  Brihadeeswarar Temple, one of India’s oldest architectural beauties had stood tall for a 1000 years! And the moment was ushered in by the best epitome of Indian culture – classical dancing.
A troupe of 1000 dancers headed by doyen Padma Subramanyam offered their art to the temple and its deity in a breathtaking ceremony organized at the temple premises. Festivities began quite in advance with the entire town lit up and the villagers celebrating an achievement of their home grown land.

The event, covered live by a number of regional channels was a treat to the eye for the sheer enthusiasm, dedication and cooperation of dancers from all over the country. As they danced their hearts out ,the dancers considered themselves blessed to be a part of this celebration.

Quizzed on how all this was arranged, Ms. Hitaishy Dhanan, a Kuchipudi dancer from Bangalore shared ‘I got to know of it online. Dvd's of the items to be performed were sent to all the artists. There was no rehearsal as such. We met at Thanjavur on the day. It was a wonderful experience just being there amongst 1000 dancers, old and young, senior Gurus with their disciples. I must say it was a sense of being blessed.’

And how about the hospitality and backstage arrangements catering to such a huge number? ‘Hospitality was very good. We were put up at a good hotel. The temple as you know is at varied levels. The first plinth was the stage. It was all set, marked with numbers allotted to various artists and groups’, she quips.

All in all a once a life time memory etched, kudos to the organizers!